[Deprecated] This function is deprecated because the new version of specr uses a new analytic framework. In this framework, you can plot a similar figure simply by using the generic plot(). This function plots a simple decision tree that is meant to help understanding how few analytical choices may results in a large number of specifications. It is somewhat useless if the final number of specifications is very high.

plot_decisiontree(df, label = FALSE, legend = FALSE)



data frame resulting from run_specs().


Logical. Should labels be included? Defaults to FALSE. Produces only a reasonable plot if number of specifications is low.


Logical. Should specific decisions be identifiable. Defaults to FALSE.


a ggplot object.


results <- run_specs(df = example_data,
                    y = c("y1", "y2"),
                    x = c("x1", "x2"),
                    model = c("lm"),
                    controls = c("c1", "c2"))

# Basic, non-labelled decisions tree
#> Warning: `plot_decisiontree()` was deprecated in specr 1.0.0.
#>  Please use `plot.specr.setup()` instead.

# Labelled decisions tree
plot_decisiontree(results, label = TRUE)

# Add legend
plot_decisiontree(results, label = TRUE, legend = TRUE)