summary method for class "specr.setup". Provides a short summary of the created specifications (the "multiverse") that lists all analytic choices, prints the function used to extract the parameters from the model. Finally, if print.specs = TRUE, it also shows the head of the actual specification grid.

# S3 method for specr.setup
summary(object, digits = 2, rows = 6, print.specs = TRUE, ...)



An object of class "specr.setup", usually, a result of a call to setup.


The number of digits to use when printing the specification table.


The number of rows of the specification tibble that should be printed.


Logical value; if TRUE, a head of the specification tibble is returned and printed.


further arguments passed to or from other methods (currently ignored).


A printed summary of an object of class specr.setup.

See also

The function setup(), which creates the "specr.setup" object.


# Setup specifications
specs <- setup(data = example_data,
  x = c("x1", "x2"),
  y = c("y1", "y2"),
  model = c("lm", "glm"),
  controls = c("c1", "c2", "c3"),
  subsets = list(group3 = unique(example_data$group3)))

# Summarize specifications
#> Setup for the Specification Curve Analysis
#> -------------------------------------------
#> Class:                      specr.setup -- version: 1.0.0 
#> Number of specifications:   256 
#> Specifications:
#>   Independent variable:     x1, x2 
#>   Dependent variable:       y1, y2 
#>   Models:                   lm, glm 
#>   Covariates:               no covariates, c1, c2, c3, c1 + c2, c1 + c3, c2 + c3, c1 + c2 + c3 
#>   Subsets analyses:         C, B, A, all 
#> Function used to extract parameters:
#>   function (x) 
#> broom::tidy(x, = TRUE)
#> <environment: 0x7fc7ea2077e8>
#> Head of specifications table (first 6 rows):
#> # A tibble: 6 × 7
#>   x     y     model controls      subsets group3 formula     
#>   <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>         <chr>   <fct>  <glue>      
#> 1 x1    y1    lm    no covariates C       C      y1 ~ x1 + 1 
#> 2 x1    y1    lm    no covariates B       B      y1 ~ x1 + 1 
#> 3 x1    y1    lm    no covariates A       A      y1 ~ x1 + 1 
#> 4 x1    y1    lm    no covariates all     NA     y1 ~ x1 + 1 
#> 5 x1    y1    lm    c1            C       C      y1 ~ x1 + c1
#> 6 x1    y1    lm    c1            B       B      y1 ~ x1 + c1